Leukemia & lymphoma society & sc attorney caught in illegal activity

This is more of a press release, wow. Lantern Wars is a thing between lantern festival companies but who would think scam not for profit the leukemia and lymphoma society thinks they’re “competitors”. That’s exactly what a lawyer who just threw his career away though is claiming, that their ultra generic paper balloon walk is a lantern that rises to the heavens and a competitor with sky lantern festival companies. It said claimed this when STEALING the website www.lightthenightevents.com Light The Night had used since it was legally registered as an llc first in one state then incorporated in another. The scam org, with the help of the chair at icann who is employed by a university the scam org gives money to, and by a South Carolina attorney that has organized some of their walks. Can we say conflict of interest and career suicide much? They filed a false complaint with wipo/icann claiming Light The Night closed and renamed to us. Nope, Light The Night closed in one state and moved to another when the owner moved and incorporated in the new state. 

They were trying to gain a copyright back in 2019 for goods, jewelry to be exact according to their filing, lying claiming no one else was using the name. Well that registration is up again and they have to prove that it incontestable which we are contesting it now that we know about it. First they’re not legally holding their events, via their tax filings they claim they pay a company to hold their events which is a lie. Their copyright attempts show it’s actually them because they cannot gain a copyright for the company that holds their event that also didn’t register as a business until 2024 when they were notified it’s time to refile. And hilariously, their bogus company had to register as light the night New York which we are filing to close down. Now the real Light The Night Corporation can have franchises, but we have not given them the right to gain a franchise so they’re illegally trying to go by our name. It will get shut down, bet on that. When a company files a complaint to steal a website through icann/wipo the website owner must be notified and given information such as apparently a case number to dispute their false claims. One was not sent to the owner, and it was purposely not sent because the attorney deciding the outcome is a scam org event organizer himself. He filed false claims on Light The Night in his filing as well so dudes getting sued as well for defamation of character, and violating civil rights to due process, and not removing himself with his connection to the scam org stealing the website. Below is a screenshot connecting the attorney directly to the leukemia and lymphoma society. We have a lot more. You can see their paper balloon on a stick they claim people will mistake as a sky lantern that rises to the heavens. lmao. It’s highly disturbing this attorney would do such if this is his son and has cancer. Karma is a real thing and purposely harming a company for another one will most likely punish him through his son. I couldn’t imagine ending my career, losing all savings and ability to ever to practice law again and not be able to pay for your kids treatment you just put on the chopping block for karma to punish you with. Stupid man, very stupid man.

Now the leukemia society use to release real balloons into the sky until balloons blow got them stopped. Then they noticed Light The Night’s Sky Lantern Festival and apparently decided they intend to take over sky lantern festivals and changed their design to what you see and attempting getting a copyright illegally by lying on forms. This is what they used to get their actual copyright using the name with balloons for cancer research not lanterns. You see the physical balloon in on one side and a t-shirt showing a balloon in the other design. That is what they have copyrighted not anything to do with lanterns and especially not sky lanterns but is what they are trying to get. With this they will be able to attempt to steal the lds company owned websites and attempt to gain a complete monopoly on lantern festivals altogether.

Now here is where they are a threat to the environment. Remember they released balloons and didn’t collect them, part of sky lantern festivals is you MUST collect them but they think they’re above the law so they won’t. Besides that they have no real information about sky lanterns and since they don’t care about the environment they will ones to cut cost and buy ones with wire, etc that sky lantern festivals don’t use. Even further their attorney called light the night a scam because it obeys the laws to release them so they know nothing about the fire burn time, wind, wind direction, temperature, absolutely nothing. The idiot thinks there’s no rules we must follow. With the bogus shit he claimed we know for a fact now that the leukemia society has been part of the buying to dispute and lies from others with no tickets even. We believe they’re also some of the false claims on the lds owned companies you see online and in Facebook groups. We had a good number of buy and instantly disputes.

We have to wonder if the ny pewer purposely chose Central Park because light the night had a water lantern festival scheduled, and then we had a sky lantern festival not far away scheduled and the use of Monopoly money with the leukemia society trying to gain a monopoly on many different industries and they’re a scam health org. Boy have we found a lot on them. And when we mean they’re moving into getting copyrights for other commerce industries we mean MMA, Golf, Jewelry, Gaming, Marathons, Regatta, Man & Woman Of The Year, Schools, Everything they can copyright other cancer orgs out of existence, literal products many events use, im shocked I’ve not seen tickets copyrighted to them illegally yet, bridesmaids ball lmao, neighborhood drive, the words links for leukemia, the words partners for cures, pls pedal, pls health manager, the words moms in training, the words targets, leads and candidates programs, herothon, the words the dude hates cancer, the words helping patients with blood cancer live longer better lives, the words taking steps to cure cancer, pls coloring for kids, the words patient lifeline fund, the words blood cancer united, the words visionaries of the year, pls bike for breakthroughs, lol with lls, dare to dream, the words links for leukemia, the words student visionaries of the year, turn it red, the word impact, hero squad. there are supposedly 9000 so im not listing all. but each one cost $350.00 for the filing plus attorney fees. So if they have or even attempted 9000 marks that’s 3,150,000.00 plus however much their attorney charges them. that’s from money donated for cancer research instead spent to copyright every org and business out of existence. 

Not for profits are not supposed to be operating in commerce which is what they’re doing, and lying claiming they pay a third party company on their tax filings. That means they’re most likely doing illegal kickback deals 

Alison Housten

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