Girl at music festival

Event Registration

Why Collecting Guest Information Through Registration Forms Keeps Light the Night Safe and Magical At Light the Night, we’re dedicated to creating an enchanting experience for everyone. While the glow of thousands of lanterns lighting up the night sky is the highlight of our festival, ensuring the safety and security of our guests is our top priority. One of the ways we achieve this is by requiring all attendees to complete a registration form before the event. Here’s why this step is so important: 1. Enhanced Safety and Security By collecting guest information, we can better prepare for emergencies and ensure a safe environment for everyone. Registration allows us to: 2. Streamlined Entry Process Pre-registration helps us create a seamless entry experience. With your information already on file, check-in becomes faster and more efficient, so you can spend less time waiting and more time enjoying the magic of the festival. 3. Personalized Communication When we know who’s attending, we can provide personalized updates, such as weather alerts, schedule changes, or special announcements. This ensures you’re always in the loop and can plan your evening accordingly. 4. Emergency Preparedness In the unlikely event of an emergency, having guest information on hand allows us to: 5. Eco-Friendly Planning Knowing how many guests to expect helps us reduce waste by preparing the right amount of materials, from lanterns to refreshments. This supports our commitment to sustainability and minimizes our environmental impact. 6. Building a Connected Community Light the Night is more than just an event—it’s a global community united by hope and celebration. Collecting guest information helps us stay connected with you long after the festival ends, sharing updates, photos, and invitations to future events. Your Privacy Matters We understand the importance of privacy, and we want to assure you that all information collected through our registration forms is handled with the utmost care. Your data is securely stored and used solely for event planning, safety, and communication purposes. We never share your information with third parties without your consent. How to Register Registering is quick and easy! Simply visit our website, fill out the required form. If you have any questions or concerns about the registration process, our team is here to help. Together, We Light the Night Safely By requiring registration, we’re taking proactive steps to ensure Light the Night remains a safe, enjoyable, and magical experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and for being part of our glowing community. ✨ Let’s light up the night—safely and together! ✨

Padlock symbol for computer data protection system

New York Wipo Office Violates It’s Own Laws For Scam Org The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

So we got the New York office of wipo to hang themselves and show they violated their own orgs rules when placing a attorney personally connected to the scam org “the leukemia and lymphoma society”, who is a fundraiser along with his co attorneys, for the leukemia & lymphoma society. You can see screenshots proving such in previous posts. In this posts we want to show the email from the New York location after we submitted the very same information we posted, and screenshots showing their rules. let’s start with the first below. You see they must be be impartial, being personally connected to the scam org makes them impartial, and not to be used to decide. Take note of numbers 1-4 on both images below. First I’m going after wipo to have the American offices closed because they’re corrupted which you see goes against 1-4. The attorney personally connected as a fundraiser, and the ny wipo office seeing as how the scam leukemia and lymphoma society is a register not for profit corporation in the state of ny. Next we have the following. Read paragraph two about panelists. You see that wipo selects the attorney themselves, which shows that the ny office purosly selected an attorney who is personally connected to the scam leukemia and lymphoma society and helps to increase their profits. This action makes not only the attorney guilty and liable but also the ny office itself, especially seeing as that office is trying to ignore my request for a real review based on the facts I provided that you see in previous posts. Next we have… Below you see it’s a screenshot of wipo and about experts assigned. So, did said corrupt attorney disclose to the ny wipo office that he, and his law office co-attorneys have been personally connected to the scam cancer org the leukemia and lymphoma society by being fundraisers for their cancer walks going by light the night, which is the same name of the real, and legally registered event corporation LIGHT THE NIGHT. The scam cancer org DOES NOT have a not for profit, nor a subsidiary registered under the name light the night, nor does it report any federal tax form under the name light the night. Besides the REAL LIGHT THE NIGHT event, there are multiple other companies using the same name and all are in different industries. lls itself is a non profit so it’s a different industry and not an event company. an event company is a for profit entity, and why they had another associate to register a bogus fake company to appear to be a franchise of the real Light The Night. Yes the real event company LIGHT THE NIGHT has the franchise ability and no we will not allow them to be such. Further you see in the next image that The Real Light The Night has the right to As you see this is another reason LIGHT THE NIGHT was not notified to fight the theft of its former website which the scam cancer org is forwarding to their scam website. You see they have to comply with their own rules which they have violated. I’ll upload the email sent from wipo after I submitted evidence of corruption within the entire thing in the morning as I’m not by the phone with it and I don’t sign into gmail from my computer. I will be submitting all evidence to multiple different foreign located wipo offices, filing a federal lawsuit, filing a complaint with the untied nations itself, and submitting legislation to end America’s offices of tip and icann for civil rights violations and corrupt and unconstitutional practices. It is unconstitutional for a not for profit but actually for profit billions of dollars to be exact, to steal a legally registered corporations website for someone who doesn’t have any said registered business or non profit. Further I’m doing the same with taking copyrights back to artists. Companies do not need a copyright if they’re a legally registered company as that is their copyright. The lockdowns of 2020 forced many into working from home, many created their own small business, if this tactic is allowed it won’t just pertain to event company’s or other large companies. but also to your Facebook live seller. Someone corrupted like the SCAM CANCER ORG LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA SOCIETY can see a tagline, a name, a product, and use the corrupted wipo org to force that small business out of business. Most are not like our owner, most would give up because they don’t know how to fight or collect evidence to even submit, and the government makes it financially impossible for a small business to fight it. That is corrupt in itself, a civil rights violation to due process, and a crime to humanity.


Leukemia & lymphoma society & sc attorney caught in illegal activity

This is more of a press release, wow. Lantern Wars is a thing between lantern festival companies but who would think scam not for profit the leukemia and lymphoma society thinks they’re “competitors”. That’s exactly what a lawyer who just threw his career away though is claiming, that their ultra generic paper balloon walk is a lantern that rises to the heavens and a competitor with sky lantern festival companies. It said claimed this when STEALING the website Light The Night had used since it was legally registered as an llc first in one state then incorporated in another. The scam org, with the help of the chair at icann who is employed by a university the scam org gives money to, and by a South Carolina attorney that has organized some of their walks. Can we say conflict of interest and career suicide much? They filed a false complaint with wipo/icann claiming Light The Night closed and renamed to us. Nope, Light The Night closed in one state and moved to another when the owner moved and incorporated in the new state.  They were trying to gain a copyright back in 2019 for goods, jewelry to be exact according to their filing, lying claiming no one else was using the name. Well that registration is up again and they have to prove that it incontestable which we are contesting it now that we know about it. First they’re not legally holding their events, via their tax filings they claim they pay a company to hold their events which is a lie. Their copyright attempts show it’s actually them because they cannot gain a copyright for the company that holds their event that also didn’t register as a business until 2024 when they were notified it’s time to refile. And hilariously, their bogus company had to register as light the night New York which we are filing to close down. Now the real Light The Night Corporation can have franchises, but we have not given them the right to gain a franchise so they’re illegally trying to go by our name. It will get shut down, bet on that. When a company files a complaint to steal a website through icann/wipo the website owner must be notified and given information such as apparently a case number to dispute their false claims. One was not sent to the owner, and it was purposely not sent because the attorney deciding the outcome is a scam org event organizer himself. He filed false claims on Light The Night in his filing as well so dudes getting sued as well for defamation of character, and violating civil rights to due process, and not removing himself with his connection to the scam org stealing the website. Below is a screenshot connecting the attorney directly to the leukemia and lymphoma society. We have a lot more. You can see their paper balloon on a stick they claim people will mistake as a sky lantern that rises to the heavens. lmao. It’s highly disturbing this attorney would do such if this is his son and has cancer. Karma is a real thing and purposely harming a company for another one will most likely punish him through his son. I couldn’t imagine ending my career, losing all savings and ability to ever to practice law again and not be able to pay for your kids treatment you just put on the chopping block for karma to punish you with. Stupid man, very stupid man. Now the leukemia society use to release real balloons into the sky until balloons blow got them stopped. Then they noticed Light The Night’s Sky Lantern Festival and apparently decided they intend to take over sky lantern festivals and changed their design to what you see and attempting getting a copyright illegally by lying on forms. This is what they used to get their actual copyright using the name with balloons for cancer research not lanterns. You see the physical balloon in on one side and a t-shirt showing a balloon in the other design. That is what they have copyrighted not anything to do with lanterns and especially not sky lanterns but is what they are trying to get. With this they will be able to attempt to steal the lds company owned websites and attempt to gain a complete monopoly on lantern festivals altogether. Now here is where they are a threat to the environment. Remember they released balloons and didn’t collect them, part of sky lantern festivals is you MUST collect them but they think they’re above the law so they won’t. Besides that they have no real information about sky lanterns and since they don’t care about the environment they will ones to cut cost and buy ones with wire, etc that sky lantern festivals don’t use. Even further their attorney called light the night a scam because it obeys the laws to release them so they know nothing about the fire burn time, wind, wind direction, temperature, absolutely nothing. The idiot thinks there’s no rules we must follow. With the bogus shit he claimed we know for a fact now that the leukemia society has been part of the buying to dispute and lies from others with no tickets even. We believe they’re also some of the false claims on the lds owned companies you see online and in Facebook groups. We had a good number of buy and instantly disputes. We have to wonder if the ny pewer purposely chose Central Park because light the night had a water lantern festival scheduled, and then we had a sky lantern festival not far away scheduled and the use of Monopoly money with the leukemia society trying to gain a monopoly on many different industries and they’re a scam health org. Boy have we found a lot on them. And when we mean they’re moving into getting copyrights for other commerce industries we mean MMA, Golf, Jewelry, Gaming,

Handcuffed soldier

The leukemia & lymphoma society has turned criminal

Not-for-Profit Cancer Organization Faces Legal Action After Allegedly Stealing Website and Illegally Using Event Company’s Name for Fundraising December 27, 2024 —  A well known not-for-profit cancer organization “the leukemia & lymphoma society” is about to be embroiled in a legal battle after it stole our website we have been using The scam cancer organization does not have a legally registered corporation named Light The Night, However, We are a legally registered corporation and have been since may 2018. We are a legal Corporation, A for profit company, not a non profit. We discovered that the scam organization filed to copyright our corporations name “Light The Night” without the uspto looking to verify no company with the name exists to contest the filing. #lls filed a year after we incorporated and was illegally given a copyright. That copyright has expired and has to be renewed now. Part of its renewal is they have to prove its incontestable by other companies so they paid off their attorney to pay off a member of wipo to illegally steal our website and give it to them because of the copyright which has not been renewed yet so they don’t even have claim using said copyright however add wipo to corrupt organizations.  Part of their filing, the scam #leukemia&lymphomasociety claimed that American citizens are to STUPD to know the difference between a sky lantern that uses fire and floats through the air, and their ultra generic paper balloon on a stick they say they raise up via their arms and that doesn’t have the ability to float into the sky. We did a poll and besides 3 of their paid snoops, everyone voted that they do know the difference. We decided to dig and there are multiple different light the nights, including a church they’ll go for next. We dove into their not for profit registration and found they’ve committed tax fraud on their filings. The pretend via tax filings that they pay a 3rd party company to hold their fundraising events. Thanks to their illiterate, mainly just highly unethical attorney stealing our domain, we have proof they are in fact holding their own fundraising events while claiming they paid someone else. That my friends is called fraud, and they have an illegal kickback deal with the company they pretend to be paying as the “copyright” is under their name. They can’t hold a copyright for a 3rd party company only that company can and they’re not Light The Night, WE ARE. We discovered they have wasted thousands of dollars trying to copyright many different industries out of business. It’s illegal to be doing business under a different industry than what you were registered for. Their tax filings show no funds spent to attorneys nor for copyrights and they’ve spent, wasted thousands or a hundred thousand dollars of donations for attempted copyrights. The attorneys at the uspto have been giving them copyrights on words that do not legally qualify to be copyrighted. We have sent in an email to give notice that we are contesting their copyright renewal and gave proof of we existed before their original filing and will be filing our own copyright. We noticed that one of their people quickly resisted light the night ny because they can’t file on the mail because We have been a company since 2018, so we’re contacting the state of NY to let them know they’re not part of our company so it needs to be rejected as we are not giving them the right to use our name in anything. We’ve also filed an ethics complaint on their attorney to have them banned from working as an attorney ever again as this is extremely unethical and violates the oath he took to become an attorney and practice with morals. While digging into their tax filings we noticed they donated a large amount to a college where we’ve recently had individuals buy tickets to dispute and claim false crap online again. We saw the direct link used to order but didn’t connect Rutgers university to the cancer org until viewing their tax records. We WILL be posting those individuals names online for all businesses to see and placing them on a blacklist to not do business with for risk of sabotage. Again they literally wasted money to copyright things such as jewelry, in mma, in golfing, etc. There is literally no industry safe from them, which is a crime within itself. The amount of cancer orgs they’ve probable shut down using copyrights is horrible to think about, all over greed of money. We did find they have bought other orgs, supposedly. Someone else mentioned the eco pewer in NY left Monopoly money in a location for a water lantern festival. they mentioned they discovered McDonalds connected to things so we dove into more of the leukemia society tax records, all copyrights, etc to find they hold a monopoly in cancer orgs and donate to insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, many different colleges, what sounds like animal testing, and using kids with cancer as a lab rat, but no cure for cancer. Voted the top wealthy cancer org for profits, sorry donations, but not recognized for any advances or money spent towards cancer.  While small business companies are told to file a boi because of shell companies to hide money, guess who doesn’t have to file such? not for profits who have many shell companies in every state to circumvent the true amount of money they are making between ever “chapter” in every state. By calculating they’re a multi billion dollar “not for profit” but actually for profit and may have more wealth than U.H.G does. We will be adding photos to this post showing how they’re register, laws, copyrights, etc. If you’ve not looked into their ins records, you should do that. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest ABOUT AUTHOR LTN News Be sure to register to be notified of new LTN posts RECENT

Keep calm red ballons on sky background

We’re Not The Scam Cancer Walk

It’s basic common sense that a lantern festival is not the scam cancer walk who carries balloons on a stick, but we thought we would make it clear since obviously they don’t have basic common sense, so here we are. Why do we call them a scam? Have you ever looked at their financial records? No? You should so you would see the majority of the money they take in as donations goes straight to the founder and employees, thousands of wasted dollars to an attorney with thousands more to pay off copyright attorneys to copyright words not legally copyrightable so they can hold a #monopoly on cancer orgs. Yes you heard that right, it’s easy to search but we will be doing an entire segment of their scam and monopoly so we can help their victims be able to actually try to help cancer patients. Might as well call the cancer walk united heath! We’re partnering with others to file a class action lawsuit to remove their bogus “copyrights” and to get their non profit status banned. They will still be able to operate but they will have to pay taxes, which should be anyways.  With Many in the org being doctors themselves were going to take a deep dive into their financials not from their website but from their tax records once we get them. Def a united heath type set up which is very disgusting to say the least. According to a new charity watchdog website, the leukemia & lymphoma society, inc is a top tier monopoly org harming other cancer research orgs and staffed by many in the healthcare field. As Above A “united heath group” type setup but worse because untied isn’t a “not for profit” while this scam org pretends to help cancer patients. Their copyrights tell a different story from their website nonsense. Watch for an entire news segment on “the cancer walk” in the coming days. balloons on a stick called lanterns LOL

Enjoying the festival atmosphere

Skip The Long Line

Skip the long line option was made available for 2020 events, our company did not offer anything of the such during 2019, that was another company, you can find more about that company on the Facebook page “the lights fest scam” which is owned by colin larsen of utah and david knight of utah/arizona.  We don’t run that Facebook page either. We recently noticed one of the many names that the lights fest, now the lights, used was our name, which they then changed their name multiple times after that, with their latest name being the lights. We are not them but are constantly being falsely harassed for the scams they pull. They’re not even a legal business and are partnered with china hostile takeover companies and others.


Our Festival Is Based On Positivity And Health

When creating the company we decided it would be kept religion free, and based on positivity and the law of attraction, how they really work and not the false theory of what positivity and being positive means. Far to many people think hard times means your life is bad, when that’s not true. Hard times are temporary unless you make them permanent. We really do have control of our life, and many times we let others convince us our life sucks because that’s how people keep you down. When you take control of your thoughts, you can take control of your future. I’ve been an abused child, a teen mom then through domestic violence, stalked, kidnapped and almost killed, my ex was murdered, and my and my children’s lives threatened. I was in a cycle called revictimization, and it took me many years to get my thinking right and take control of my life. I first came across positive thoughts and the law of attraction through domestic violence support groups. They had us to make vision boards with things we wanted in our lives and work towards accomplishing those goals. It wasn’t until looking back through a Facebook photo album I had also created called “virtual vision board” that I noticed that I had actually gotten everything listed in it that I wanted without even realizing it. A few months later I met a wise woman just beginning to create a positive and body positive movement and I joined in. During this entire time I still had to deal with stalking and death threats, even constant homelessness because of the dv and stalking. Those were some pretty hard times at that time to deal with while trying to be “positive”, and that’s where the real lesson came in. Thinking I had to put up with the chaos others were bringing into my life otherwise I wasn’t remaining positive. I was worried and stressed and she told me, that positivity is also removing toxic people regardless who they are, not allowing others to walk all over me and thinking I had to put up with it. Standing up for yourself is very positive action. That I already had all the answers, I just needed to quiet my mind to hear them. As soon as I got this concept down, I flipped the script of my life and took control back and not giving it up. Fast forward a couple years, I’m making my wish at the Lantern Fest to give me the strength to make it all completely stop, as we were still being stalked. I got my wish granted, not even remotely how I wanted it to work or thought it would work, but it did. I had still been allowing some bs to continue as I overworked myself and two days after the Festival I was in an accident that completely changed my life. The bones in my left leg shattered into pieces in an odd spot leaving me to go through emergency surgery. I now two long metal plates in my leg, and 9 or more screws, an long incision scars on both sides of that leg and ended up in a wheelchair for 6 months because my other legs ankle couldn’t hold all my weight on it’s own after fracturing it the previous year and not staying off if it to heal. I didn’t know if my bones would be able to heal correctly where I could walk again or if I’d end up in that wheelchair forever. Those 6 months showed me exactly how strong and determined I was, and also exactly how much I let others still walk all over me. I accepted that if my leg didn’t heal that I would still be ok but I wasn’t giving up. Because of the severity I was on pain medication, the surgeon switched me from one medication with no side effects to another that caused hallucinations, that wasn’t fun, eventually my body adjusted and there were no issues until he tried to switch me again, this time to tramadol and I flat out refused to switch because chemical wise, they’re far worse to take than hydrocodone. When I refused to switch he cut me off cold Turkey and refused to see me again even though my leg was staying swollen and hurting non stop. I went two weeks in severe pain with no medication until I was at least able to raise hell, and I did raise hell, to get a referral for physical therapy. Luckily when I started physical therapy my therapist discovered what was causing all the pain and swelling in my leg, and by simply feeling my leg. I had a bunch of water pockets, which she busted, and instantly the pain was gone, from that anyways 🤣. What came next was so many months of grueling therapy, some days I didn’t think I was going to make it. I had to relearn how to walk. You really dont think about walking until you have to, you just walk. It’s like you’re a baby again learning how to move your move foot correctly so you dont end up with a limp, and how to regain balance, strengthening your muscles again that weren’t used for so long. It was so hard at first but my therapist wouldn’t let me give up, and kept reassuring me I had it and could do it. And I did. It got easier and easier and I’m back to walking again. I still have pain and swelling at times, there are things I may never be able to do again but I’m still going to try. I also removed every toxic person that I had allowed to still have access to my life and cut it all off. I firmly stand up for myself and what I believe in and dont put up with controlling types of behaviors out of others. And here I am. I dont blame


Groupon Scam Alert

Recently our Marketing Team discovered Groupon selling tickets to our Nevada Sky Lantern Festival for May 18th and 19th. Groupon DOES NOT have our permission, nor the right to sell or offer tickets to any of our events. Tickets bought on Groupon WILL NOT BE HONORED at event check-in, you will be turned away and told to request your money back from THEM as they are fraudulent tickets. We just noticed 48 people liked their ad for it, if you bought a ticket from them, you need to request a refund, and from them not us!!!!!! Our tickets aren’t even $65.00, they’re $110.00 because of the festival lineup.

Eco friendly

Lantern Safety and Sustainability

Sky Lantern Information & Facts Light The Night only uses Premium ECO Friendly, wire-free Sky Lanterns. Premium ECO Friendly Sky Lanterns are manufactured with the best craftsmanship and are made of; High quality Rice Paper A non combustible wax fuel cell A Bamboo Ring (wire free) All natural material string (no wires) With a maximum burn time of 5 minutes A flight time of 2-3 minutes Clean up; We track our lanterns flight travel with 4 drones, Mavic 2 Pro and The Zoom, and send out a clean up crew to where they land to retrieve them. If one were to be missed, it’s biodegradable so it causes no harm to the environment as it breaks down rather quickly, especially if it rains. Where do they go once cleaned up? We recycle and reuse the bamboo in other projects.   Safety; Today’s Sky Lanterns pose no harm to animals or the environment as they are not made with the materials of the past as claimed in other countries. We do not attempt to release lanterns when the wind is above 7 mph, we do not release them in the rain, or in extreme heat, or when there are burn bans in effect. Sky Lanterns are like hot air balloons, the fire is used for them to take flight, and the lantern doesn’t begin to descend until the fuel cell is barely lit, therefore they will not fall prematurely and catch anything on fire.  We watch the weather very closely and will reschedule an event if weather conditions are not safe & legal to release them. We also send out a video instructing attendees how to properly light and release their lantern, as well as demonstrating during the event.   You’ve seen the image with the Owl harmed, is it real or fake? These images are fake, they’re staged and photo-shopped by orgs that need an issue to stay in business. We’ve conducted our own tests with lanterns, and animals, stay away from them. Birds do not fly into them to get trapped, and an Owl setting deep in a tree, well that lantern even if it fell into a tree isn’t going to make it down to the Owl. Allow me to educate readers on the largest LEGAL scam ran in the United States for many years. NON PROFIT ORGS like those against Lanterns. By Law, a non profit can pocket up to 85% of ALL donations they take in, as long as they don’t tell donors exactly what percentage of those donations go for exactly what. So say the cancer walk, RSPCA, PETA, etc say they donate a percentage to this and that but don’t list exactly what percentage goes for what, it would be legal for them to pocket up to 85 %, which most non profits do.     But how can you find out exactly where every penny goes when donating to a Non Profit? By law, a non profit MUST give you a copy of their previous financial records when asked for them. Also don’t allow them to give you their basic filing information, ask for their itemized records that will show you exactly how much they bring in, how much the director and other employees salaries are and all expenses paid out. The best place to get the full information is from the IRS as some websites like the one listed above does not actually provide proof of the orgs they list’s, financial records. If a non profit refuses to release their records, you can file a complaint on them and request a formal audit be performed. To continue to run and collect donations, these orgs have to have something to fight against, or fight for, and many will create fake issues just to line their pockets.   Being added to this blog is a video we made showing Lanterns will not catch a house on fire even if it lands on your roof, tree, or on land. And you can do your own research that will show you they’ve never harmed animals. All you’ll find are the fake articles with the owl Photoshopped in. We may start a class to show everyone how to spot Photoshopped images and that owl is definitely Photoshopped and horribly done at that.     Water Lantern Light The Night only uses Premium ECO Friendly Water Lanterns that are designed and manufactured by our company. Details; Our Water Lanterns are made with Eco Friendly Rice Paper, Wood, and an LED Tea Light instead of real fire. Clean Up; We have a no lantern left behind policy and use boats and an above water line (like swimming areas use to rope off designated swimming areas) that prevents the lanterns from going any further than predetermined. WE DO NOT USE fishing nets that go down into the water which can tangle up marine life. Safety; There are no safety risks with Water Lanterns. No fire is used in their release, they’re made of Eco friendly material, we collect every single lantern, and we do not use fishing nets or anything that goes down into the water to stop their flow, but instead an above water line.