So we got the New York office of wipo to hang themselves and show they violated their own orgs rules when placing a attorney personally connected to the scam org “the leukemia and lymphoma society”, who is a fundraiser along with his co attorneys, for the leukemia & lymphoma society. You can see screenshots proving such in previous posts.
In this posts we want to show the email from the New York location after we submitted the very same information we posted, and screenshots showing their rules. let’s start with the first below. You see they must be be impartial, being personally connected to the scam org makes them impartial, and not to be used to decide.

Take note of numbers 1-4 on both images below. First I’m going after wipo to have the American offices closed because they’re corrupted which you see goes against 1-4. The attorney personally connected as a fundraiser, and the ny wipo office seeing as how the scam leukemia and lymphoma society is a register not for profit corporation in the state of ny.

Next we have the following. Read paragraph two about panelists. You see that wipo selects the attorney themselves, which shows that the ny office purosly selected an attorney who is personally connected to the scam leukemia and lymphoma society and helps to increase their profits. This action makes not only the attorney guilty and liable but also the ny office itself, especially seeing as that office is trying to ignore my request for a real review based on the facts I provided that you see in previous posts.

Next we have… Below you see it’s a screenshot of wipo and about experts assigned. So, did said corrupt attorney disclose to the ny wipo office that he, and his law office co-attorneys have been personally connected to the scam cancer org the leukemia and lymphoma society by being fundraisers for their cancer walks going by light the night, which is the same name of the real, and legally registered event corporation LIGHT THE NIGHT. The scam cancer org DOES NOT have a not for profit, nor a subsidiary registered under the name light the night, nor does it report any federal tax form under the name light the night. Besides the REAL LIGHT THE NIGHT event, there are multiple other companies using the same name and all are in different industries. lls itself is a non profit so it’s a different industry and not an event company. an event company is a for profit entity, and why they had another associate to register a bogus fake company to appear to be a franchise of the real Light The Night. Yes the real event company LIGHT THE NIGHT has the franchise ability and no we will not allow them to be such. Further you see in the next image that The Real Light The Night has the right to

As you see this is another reason LIGHT THE NIGHT was not notified to fight the theft of its former website which the scam cancer org is forwarding to their scam website. You see they have to comply with their own rules which they have violated.

I’ll upload the email sent from wipo after I submitted evidence of corruption within the entire thing in the morning as I’m not by the phone with it and I don’t sign into gmail from my computer.
I will be submitting all evidence to multiple different foreign located wipo offices, filing a federal lawsuit, filing a complaint with the untied nations itself, and submitting legislation to end America’s offices of tip and icann for civil rights violations and corrupt and unconstitutional practices. It is unconstitutional for a not for profit but actually for profit billions of dollars to be exact, to steal a legally registered corporations website for someone who doesn’t have any said registered business or non profit. Further I’m doing the same with taking copyrights back to artists. Companies do not need a copyright if they’re a legally registered company as that is their copyright.
The lockdowns of 2020 forced many into working from home, many created their own small business, if this tactic is allowed it won’t just pertain to event company’s or other large companies. but also to your Facebook live seller. Someone corrupted like the SCAM CANCER ORG LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA SOCIETY can see a tagline, a name, a product, and use the corrupted wipo org to force that small business out of business. Most are not like our owner, most would give up because they don’t know how to fight or collect evidence to even submit, and the government makes it financially impossible for a small business to fight it. That is corrupt in itself, a civil rights violation to due process, and a crime to humanity.