The leukemia & lymphoma society has turned criminal

Handcuffed soldier

Not-for-Profit Cancer Organization Faces Legal Action After Allegedly Stealing Website and Illegally Using Event Company’s Name for Fundraising

December 27, 2024 —  A well known not-for-profit cancer organization “the leukemia & lymphoma society” is about to be embroiled in a legal battle after it stole our website we have been using The scam cancer organization does not have a legally registered corporation named Light The Night, However, We are a legally registered corporation and have been since may 2018. We are a legal Corporation, A for profit company, not a non profit. We discovered that the scam organization filed to copyright our corporations name “Light The Night” without the uspto looking to verify no company with the name exists to contest the filing. #lls filed a year after we incorporated and was illegally given a copyright. That copyright has expired and has to be renewed now. Part of its renewal is they have to prove its incontestable by other companies so they paid off their attorney to pay off a member of wipo to illegally steal our website and give it to them because of the copyright which has not been renewed yet so they don’t even have claim using said copyright however add wipo to corrupt organizations. 

Part of their filing, the scam #leukemia&lymphomasociety claimed that American citizens are to STUPD to know the difference between a sky lantern that uses fire and floats through the air, and their ultra generic paper balloon on a stick they say they raise up via their arms and that doesn’t have the ability to float into the sky. We did a poll and besides 3 of their paid snoops, everyone voted that they do know the difference.

We decided to dig and there are multiple different light the nights, including a church they’ll go for next. We dove into their not for profit registration and found they’ve committed tax fraud on their filings. The pretend via tax filings that they pay a 3rd party company to hold their fundraising events. Thanks to their illiterate, mainly just highly unethical attorney stealing our domain, we have proof they are in fact holding their own fundraising events while claiming they paid someone else. That my friends is called fraud, and they have an illegal kickback deal with the company they pretend to be paying as the “copyright” is under their name. They can’t hold a copyright for a 3rd party company only that company can and they’re not Light The Night, WE ARE.

We discovered they have wasted thousands of dollars trying to copyright many different industries out of business. It’s illegal to be doing business under a different industry than what you were registered for. Their tax filings show no funds spent to attorneys nor for copyrights and they’ve spent, wasted thousands or a hundred thousand dollars of donations for attempted copyrights. The attorneys at the uspto have been giving them copyrights on words that do not legally qualify to be copyrighted. We have sent in an email to give notice that we are contesting their copyright renewal and gave proof of we existed before their original filing and will be filing our own copyright. We noticed that one of their people quickly resisted light the night ny because they can’t file on the mail because We have been a company since 2018, so we’re contacting the state of NY to let them know they’re not part of our company so it needs to be rejected as we are not giving them the right to use our name in anything. We’ve also filed an ethics complaint on their attorney to have them banned from working as an attorney ever again as this is extremely unethical and violates the oath he took to become an attorney and practice with morals.

While digging into their tax filings we noticed they donated a large amount to a college where we’ve recently had individuals buy tickets to dispute and claim false crap online again. We saw the direct link used to order but didn’t connect Rutgers university to the cancer org until viewing their tax records. We WILL be posting those individuals names online for all businesses to see and placing them on a blacklist to not do business with for risk of sabotage. Again they literally wasted money to copyright things such as jewelry, in mma, in golfing, etc. There is literally no industry safe from them, which is a crime within itself. The amount of cancer orgs they’ve probable shut down using copyrights is horrible to think about, all over greed of money. We did find they have bought other orgs, supposedly.

Someone else mentioned the eco pewer in NY left Monopoly money in a location for a water lantern festival. they mentioned they discovered McDonalds connected to things so we dove into more of the leukemia society tax records, all copyrights, etc to find they hold a monopoly in cancer orgs and donate to insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, many different colleges, what sounds like animal testing, and using kids with cancer as a lab rat, but no cure for cancer. Voted the top wealthy cancer org for profits, sorry donations, but not recognized for any advances or money spent towards cancer. 

While small business companies are told to file a boi because of shell companies to hide money, guess who doesn’t have to file such? not for profits who have many shell companies in every state to circumvent the true amount of money they are making between ever “chapter” in every state. By calculating they’re a multi billion dollar “not for profit” but actually for profit and may have more wealth than U.H.G does.

We will be adding photos to this post showing how they’re register, laws, copyrights, etc. If you’ve not looked into their ins records, you should do that.

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